Inlays & Onlays

In dentistry, inlays and onlays are types of indirect dental restorations that are used to repair damaged or decayed teeth.

Here are the differences between inlays and onlays:

  • Location: Inlays are used to repair damage or decay within the cusps of a tooth (the raised points on the biting surface of a tooth), while onlays are used to repair damage or decay that extends beyond the cusps, and may cover one or more of the tooth’s cusps.
  • Materials: Inlays and onlays can be made from a variety of materials, such as porcelain, gold, or composite resin. The choice of material will depend on the specific needs of the patient and the location of the restoration.
  • Size: Inlays are generally smaller than onlays because they only cover the damaged area within the cusps. Onlays are larger because they cover one or more cusps, and may extend onto the tooth’s surface.
  • Preparation: Inlays and onlays are both custom-made in a dental laboratory, but the preparation process for each is different. Inlays require less removal of tooth structure than onlays, because they only cover the damaged area within the cusps. Onlays, on the other hand, require more removal of tooth structure to allow for the larger restoration to be placed.

Overall, inlays and onlays are both effective methods of restoring damaged or decayed teeth, but they are used in different circumstances and require different preparation techniques. Your dentist can help you determine which option is best for your particular situation.

Make An Appointment

At Keene Dentistry and Implants, we are dedicated to helping you achieve healthy teeth that you can be proud of. If you’re looking for a dentist in Keene, NH, call us today for personalized and high-quality dental care that you can trust.

Monday – Thursday

8:00 — 5:00

Friday – Saturday


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(603) 357-1596